Insight, Intimacy & Empowerment for
Evolving Men & Women
Creating Peace Through Conscious Touch
As humans being in our modern world, we often do not give or receive the quality of touch that our bodies need to thrive. We may...
The Fruits of Platonic Intimacy
Intimacy. It can often seem like such a loaded word bringing up everything from fear, excitement, hope, curiosity, and even...
The Gateway of Your Body
Your body is a gateway, a bridge between the energetic and cosmic nature of being human and the gritty reality of flesh and...
Seeing Yourself Clearly
Audio at the Bottom! I've been thinking about lately is the idea of blind spots and how they relate to relationship and...
The Unspoken Process of Growth & Evolution
I often wondered how far I am along the path of growth and evolution. Just when I feel I’ve got something down, another aspect...
Co-Regulation Through The Breath
Regulation is often defined as the ability or capacity be in control of ourselves, including our physiology, mental, and...
Self-Regulation and the Breath
Breath. It's with us the moment we emerge and remains with us until our last moments. What I find remarkable about Breath, is...
Needs, Wants, and Desires
They say a ship without a rudder is lost at sea, and for a good majority of my life, that was the case. I remember a time when I...
For The Love of Belly
Have you ever touched or poked a baby's belly? Something you may notice is how soft and squishy it is. Almost like there's no...
The Dance of Conscious Relationship
Conscious relationships, whether they be platonic or romantic, are a dance. To dance well with a partner, there must be a shared...
The Graceful Return To Love
How can we gracefully allow love back in after a heartbreak? Often, romantic, and even platonic, relationships that end with...
What Does It Mean To Be “Conscious?”
What does being “conscious” mean to you? I often find it tricky to use the term “conscious” to describe a way of being or action...
The Opportunity Within Receiving a “No”
What really happens when someone says no to our request? Often my mind will tell me that something’s not ok. My body tenses, and...
From Relationship To Friendship
Is it possible to be friends with former partners and lovers? When I speak about conscious relationships, this is a question...
The Illusion of Normal
It seems as far as I can remember, I found myself desiring to fit in, to belong. For me, this often lead to me doing things that...
An Inquiry of Grief
There are times in our lives when the unexpected and undesired becomes our reality. Times when things seem to fall apart,...
Understanding Our Body Wisdom
I believe humans are vastly unique, not because of our intellect and ability to figure things out, but because of our capacity...
The 7 “Habits” of Highly Conscious Relationships
The relationships we create and share, whether they are platonic or romantic, can be some of the most important and meaningful...
Finding Our Center
It's a strange time we live in isn't it? There is so much that wants to take us away from ourselves, even without all that's...
The Desire For Sex & Connection
It seems all too often, what we desire, is what’s keeping us apart. It can be so easy to turn to sex as the default way to...
When Men & Women Join Hands
For far too long we have been divided. Women and men, both feeling on opposite sides of a chasm. Both desiring the other, both...
The Wisdom of Our Inner Council
Humans seek pleasure, its a fact of life. How we go about it can sometimes be messy and often seems to take us out of their...
The Price of Distraction
Distraction. Even just the word can make us cringe. It calls to mind that something isn't ok, so we avoid. Within the word,...
The Challenge of Change
Something I always try to be aware of is how little I actually know of someone else's experience. How someone feels, how they...